James Raymond, M.D.,
Senior Vice President for Quality, Medical Education and Research,
Palmetto Health and Associate Dean
University of South Carolina School of Medicine:
I'm not usually given to hyperbole, but in Dr. Reinertsen's case it's
completely justified. In all my years of working with consultants, Jim is quite
simply the "best of the best." Our engagement with him began a year-and-a-half
ago when our organization decided to transform its culture into one inspired
by quality and motivated by patient safety. Over this period Jim has coached
(and challenged!) our board, senior management, our medical staff leaders,
and rank-and-file employees in this quest. To accomplish this monumental undertaking,
he has had to break down barriers of conventional thinking and practice and
substitute in their stead innovative, yet practical and proven alternatives.
Change can obviously be disconcerting, but he makes it stimulating, almost
fun! The enthusiasm and momentum he has created is palpable and unique. Most
importantly, we are making remarkable progress as a result of his involvement...
a real feat considering the complexity and diversity of our system (three hospitals,
9300 employees, 1200 medical staff, and a closely-affiliated medical school).
As an instrument of change, knowledge and practical wisdom, Jim is without
a peer as far as all of us are concerned at Palmetto Health!
Marly Christenson, MSN, RN, FNP, CPHQ, Senior Director,
Clinical and Performance
Improvement, VHA Mountain States:
Working with Jim Reinertsen this past year has made a significant difference
in the impetus for change among the senior leaders of our hospitals across
Mountain States. Commissioning Jim as principal faculty for our Executive Improvement
Academy series has resulted in one of the most successful initiatives we’ve
implemented. Jim's ability to connect with diverse audiences and focus in on
the core principles for leading organizational improvement and transformational
change has been integral to the advancement of quality and safety in this region.
His insight and expertise has truly been inspirational.
John Hubbe Pharm.
D., J.D., Vice President Medical & Legal Services, Delnor-Community Hospital:
Jim’s work with both our Board and our Board Quality Committee has been
deeply transformational. He brings a powerful, practical approach to quality
improvement and reliability. He is a deep thinker, with a keen sense of timing
to articulate fundamental questions with eloquence. As a former healthcare
CEO and physician himself, he speaks with candor as a knowledgeable expert
and can directly cut through typical arguments with honesty, making the status
quo highly undesirable. His analysis is dead-on. The result is a Board with
incredible engagement in quality improvement and an authentic desire and willingness
to take steps that may have seemed impossible before. With new found tools
and understanding, our Board was prepared to take a more active and assertive
role in the care of all patients that come in contact with our facility. Jim
has the ability to bring together medical staff physicians, administrators
and lay board members, to break through their reluctance to take a stand and
make a difference, and to take ownership in a deep and meaningful way for the
outcomes of all patients in a health system. He brings key understanding of
why physicians are the way they are today, with pressures, accountability,
but a lack of control themselves, and helps them to bridge this gap.
Ian Leverton, Vice President for Clinical Integration,
Sutter Health:
Jim Reinertsen embodies the principles and practice of evidence based medicine
and management. He not only has a deep and profound knowledge of the theory
but an equally great experience in its practice. I know of no one else who
could bring the elements of Sutter Health's program "Managing for Clinical
Excellence" together in such a meaningful way as Dr. Reinertsen does.

Carl E. Couch, MD, MMM, Chairman HealthTexas Provider
"Our organization is making Quality Improvement a key priority. We recognize
that cannot happen without strategic physician leadership. In a recent weekend
retreat for our Board, Dr. Jim Reinertsen was most helpful as a speaker and facilitator.
He presented challenging material helping focus our leadership around the challenges
of complex problems surrounding quality improvement. Complex adaptive problems
require a different type of process than the technical solutions used by most
physicians in their daily practice. Using a model he called "adaptive leadership" Dr.
Reinertsen, challenged our group to face clinical quality problems frankly, raise
the tough questions, give the work to those capable of solving it, protect innovation,
and pace the changes at a rate that the group can tolerate. Our group ranked
Dr. Reinertsen as the most effective and influential speaker of the last several
years. We are hopeful that the material he presented will help advance us faster
in the quest to cross "the Quality Chasm". I highly recommend him as
a mature, experienced, clinical leader. He is a superb communicator, and was
most enjoyable to work with.

Judy C. Morton, Ph.D. Vice President of Quality Integration
and Improvement, Swedish Medical Center, Seattle:
Dr. Reinertsen’s work with us is having a deep and lasting impact on
our understanding of what is possible --and guiding the work we are doing to
truly improve the reliability of the care we provide to each patient we serve.
We invited Jim to facilitate a retreat with over eighty board, physician, and
administrative leaders. He has a unique and refreshing way of helping individuals
and organizations look in the mirror, take the status quo off the table, and
move to action with a sense of urgency. He was able to actively engage individuals
from all three groups and to help each to understand their role in actively
advancing the quality agenda. Jim’s work at that retreat and a subsequent
engagement with physicians and staff have generated more enthusiasm, action
and results than I have observed in working with any other consultant.
Mark Kelley, M.D., CEO, Henry Ford Medical Group:
Jim Reinertsen gave a much needed boost to our medical leadership. His perceptive
and refreshing approach to management provided new insights into solving
difficult issues. Jim's considerable experience as a physician manager give
him great credibility and his skills as a speaker and educator are superb.
All of us want him back for an encore, both as a leadership coach and a strategic

Lynn M. Myers, M.D, Board Chair, Metrocrest Hospital
I found your presentation today to be tremendous. As a new board leader and
as a physician, the leadership principles you outlined have crystallized in
me a plan to make a difference in several aspects of my professional life ...
and to make the Metrocrest Hospital Authority an even greater institution.